RadDecon Kit™ with 4 newly added products (An accurate and
reliable detection meter, face masks,” Iosat” KI pills, and Tongs).
It contains the world’s most effective and safest solution for radiation
decontamination of radioactive surfaces including human skin. This kit
was developed to fill the need for increased survivability after any type of
nuclear event, whether a power plant melt down, a nuclear blast, or a dirty bomb.
A Revolutionary Scientific Product for Radiation Decontamination.
Now, scientifically-formulated products used by nuclear power plants
and nuclear waste facilities are available to emergency, first responders
and the general public. For the first time, using one easy Emergency RadDecon Kit™,
you can safely, quickly, and significantly remove radioactive material from yourself
and from other surfaces. Decontaminate yourself, your family, and your important
possessions in the event of a radiation emergency.
Special Emergency Raddecon Kits for Nuclear Pharmacies.
Radiation Decontamination Solutions (RDS)
is a nuclear technology solutions company
specializing in the decontamination of radioactive
surfaces. We also provide engineering clean-up
services based on our proprietary radionuclide
ion-specific decontamination solutions.
RDS solves radiological decontamination problems
through the use of our proprietary, patent pending,
water based-solutions. Our revolutionary technology
removes radioactive contamination to acceptable
levels within minutes with no negative environmental
There are no similar, cost-effective products with the proven
efficacy and methods of application of RDS solutions,
decontaminates, and engineering services.
“New Product”Click the image below to view: See Raddecon Products Customized Kits Available Nuclear Power Outage Our Products have US and International Patents Pending.